Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology

A Unit of Bhartiya Brahmin Charitable Trust (Regd.)

(Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India )

Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Knowledge Partner

Media Coverage of BPIT in Malhaar              BPIT is set up as Local chapter for SWAYAM- NPTEL Courses.            NBA Accredited B.Tech Programmes (CSE, IT, ECE & EEE)

Literary Activities

AboutLiterary Activities

Words influence eternity, Forking thy soul, they transcend oblivion
The Literary society of BPIT, ‘Kalam’ derives its name from the only ineffable sword i.e. pen. The bilingual Literary society provides a space that fosters various forms of intellectual discussions as well as unique and simulating social expressions. Recognising themselves as enthusiasts of the written word, the members’ interests stretch from group discussions, debates and extempore to poetry and quizzing. The members of the Literary society along with the other students of the Institute participate zealously in the organisation of the Literary Fest ‘ELOQUENCE’. They also partake in the publication of the Institute’s annual magazine ‘EXPLORICA’.

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