The mission of the CSI is to facilitate research, knowledge sharing, learning and career
enhancement for all categories of IT professionals, while simultaneously inspiring and
nurturing new entrants into the industry and helping them to integrate into
the IT community.


IEEE-BPIT is a technical society which aims to spread technical awareness amongst
students ,to help them develop technical skills, to give a professional outlook , to
encourage them to participate in various technical competitions held in various
conducting workshops , seminars etc.


There is nothing like the thrill of solving a real life problem that enhances the lives
of others.The intent of Hackions, the programming club of Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of
Technology, is to give every opportunity to experience that thrill.


BPIT Open Source Community (BOSC) is the official Open source organization of Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology Delhi. As a part of the Institute Technical Council, we aim to provide a gateway for the students in our institute to join the coding community. We create a platform which allows students to gain assistance and mentorship to enhance their coding ability. Our aim is to propagate the enthusiasm for coding in the institute and especially amongst freshmen. We believe that every student here at BPIT should have an opportunity to learn how to code and develop a passion for it. The secret of getting ahead is getting started and we aim to provide every student with the right start. View More+