Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology

A Unit of Bhartiya Brahmin Charitable Trust (Regd.)

(Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India )

Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Knowledge Partner

Media Coverage of BPIT in Malhaar              BPIT is set up as Local chapter for SWAYAM- NPTEL Courses.            NBA Accredited B.Tech Programmes (CSE, IT, ECE & EEE)


NBA Accreditation

NBA (The National Board of Accreditation) is a national level agency of Govt. of India which grants accreditation to the engineering programmes across the whole country. It has international affiliation under Washington Accord.
The programmes accredited by NBA ensure an over-all high-level achievement in accomplishing the process of Admission, Teaching learning, Examination and Placement as well as imbibing the mandatory professional attributes in its students. Accreditation by NBA also ensures the availability of well qualified faculty and state-of-the-art laboratories and library in the department/institute.
BPIT is the first Engineering College of Delhi to get accreditation of all its B.Tech. courses. This Accreditation has been granted to BPIT, looking into the overall global level achievements in all its activities to the advantage of its students and faculty. This is the reason why our pass outs are enjoying placements in renowned organizations like Microsoft, Amazon, HCL, Wipro, Infosys etc. at high packages as well as qualifying for higher education in institutes like IIT, NIT, DTU and other renowned institutes including University of Pennsylvania (USA).

Certification by NBA