R&D Labs


Department of CSE has a full-fledged Research and Development Laboratory in congruence with Live Smart Solutions Pvt. Ltd.  As a part of the vision of the department, the CSE department has set up the required infrastructure and facilities to enable the students to go through real time experience while pursuing their studies. The students are working on automation(domotic) projects. They have recognized their efforts by delivering products like self-driven cars and Wi-Fi Lock.

Software in the Lab
Python, RaspberryPi, Octave, R, Ruby

Lab Incharge
Dr. Vishal Khatri

Lab Technician
Ms. Ekta Sharma


E-yantra project is an initiative by IIT Bombay that aims to create the next generation of embedded systems engineers with practical outlook to help and provide practical solutions to some of the real world problems. The department of CSE developed an e-yantra robotics lab with collaboration with IIT Bombay to train the students in embedded systems and micro-controller programming by engaging them through the project based learning mode.


Software in the Lab
Fire Bird V

Lab Incharge
Dr. Charu Gupta

Lab Technician


In collaboration with

International Centre for Free and Open Source Software (ICFOSS) Government of Kerala, India

The FOSS Cell Programme of ICFOSS aims to provide promotional services of FOSS to educational institutions by promoting the formation of a group of interested students and teachers in the institution, called the FOSS Cell. The FOSS Cell shall carry this out through associating with ICFOSS and its programmes, as well as with other FOSS community, industry and research organizations, and taking up programmes including training & capacity building, student projects, lectures & seminars, conferences and exhibitions, by participating at the institutional level as well as inter-institutional, state, national and international levels.


Cell Incharge
Dr. Charu Gupta
